South Dakota Arts Council Aisc Artist Application Go Smart
South Dakota schools are among groups invited to seek grant support from the Due south Dakota Arts Council to aid in funding arts projects and programs throughout the country.
History of Funding
None is available.
Additional Data
South Dakota schools may apply for the following opportunities:
- Projection Grants: assistance nonprofit organizations in the presentation of a single arts consequence or a series of like and related arts activities that benefit the general public. Project Grant applicants should brainstorm the process past visiting the SDAC'south new Applicant Portal ( to review the Guide to Grants, eligibility requirements, granting criteria and the application process earlier beginning the application process.
- Artists in Schools & Communities: Identify professional artists in residencies of i week or longer in schools and communities to encourage and supplement existing arts programs. Set fees with matching grant. Artists must come up from roster provided by SDAC.
- Educator Grants: Projects, professional evolution, curriculum, supplies, or program evolution. Funds go directly to educator.
- Excursion Grants: Transportation for SDAC-sponsored events. Half of costs, up to $500, matching grant. http://world wide
- Professional Development Grants: Professional Development Grants may be awarded to an organization to fund its representative's attendance at a professional person development activity that benefits both the organization and the individual attending.
- Touring Arts: Due south Dakota Arts Council (SDAC) Touring Arts help make the arts available in all regions of the country by providing funds to non-turn a profit sponsor organizations for presenting Touring Arts. The artists and art exhibitions listed in this roster have been selected on the basis of quality by review panels and the South Dakota Arts Council. http://world wide
Eligibility Details
Eligible applicants are:
- Project Grants: South Dakota nonprofit organizations that (1) are seeking funds for a single arts activity and (2) are designated as federally revenue enhancement-exempt under the IRS Department 501(c)(3), units of government, or nonprofit educational institutions may utilize for a Projection Grant. Nonprofit organizations without 501(c)(iii) status may employ under the auspices of a qualifying organization which then becomes responsible for all financial and contractual arrangements.
- Artists in Schools & Communities: Eligible applicants are South Dakota schools and other nonprofit organizations for artists in residence.
- Educator Grants: Southward Dakota educators who are seeking funds for arts-related projects and activities in their schools and who are employed by public, individual, or tribal K-12 nonprofit educational institutions may apply for an Educator Grant. Homeschool educators may apply if they are members of a homeschool association which is designated as a federally tax-exempt nonprofit corporation nether Section 501(c)(iii) of the IRS code, and must demonstrate that multiple students throughout the association will do good. Teachers need non be arts specialists to apply.
- Excursion Grants: Funds are limited to the transportation of:
- 1000-12 students
- Persons with disabilities
- Professional Development Grants: Chiliad-12 arts teachers may apply through their school districts. Colleges and universities are not eligible to use.
- Touring Arts: Eligible applicants are S Dakota non turn a profit organizations.
Borderline Details
South Dakota schools may be interested in the following opportunities:
- Projection Grants Applications are to be submitted past March one, 2021.
- Artists in Schools & Communities: Applications are to be submitted by March 1, 2021.
- Educator Grants: All applications must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the start of the activity.
- Excursion Grants: All materials must be postmarked at to the lowest degree fifteen days prior to the beginning engagement of the proposed activity.
- Professional Development Grants: All materials must be postmarked at to the lowest degree 30 days prior to the beginning date of the proposed activity.
- Touring Arts: No borderline, no application. Contact artist straight to check grant availability.
Honour Details
Laurels amounts vary past program:
- Projection Grants: Organizations may asking up to $v,000 in funding, roofing no more 50 per centum of the cash expenses of the projection. Projects and activities will occur July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022.
- Artists in Schools & Communities: Honor amounts vary. Projects and activities will occur July ane, 2021 - June 30, 2022.
- Educator Grants: Upwards to $one,000 non-matching. Funds go directly to educator.
- Excursion Grants: Half of costs, up to $500, matching grant.
- Professional Development Grants: Provides up to $500 to schoolhouse to match funds provided for PD.
- Touring Arts: Fees negotiable.
Related Webcasts
- Funding Classroom Applied science to Empower Students and Teachers - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
- Maximizing Technology-friendly Workforce Evolution Grants - Sponsored by Panasonic - Playback Available
- Funding Data-driven Workforce Development Projects - Sponsored past NetApp - Playback Available
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